Billing Overview


Atlas Behavioral Health is in-network with:
Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) PPO,
BCBS Choice & Options plans,
Medicare Part B,
& Lyra. Some providers are in network with Cigna.

This means that we are an accepted and preferred provider with the above insurance companies.

We have gone through a credentialing process with these companies and have contracts with them in which they agree to cover specific costs for those with their insurance.


Okay, I have a plan that is in-network…now what?

What costs or charges am I responsible for paying when using my insurance?

You are responsible for any copayments or coinsurance outlined by your specific plan. Plans may also have a deductible that the client is responsible for.

You can talk with your clinician about how you prefer to pay for any amount you are responsible for.

Since we are in-network with your insurance company and are contracted with them, we will directly bill them and they will reimburse us directly for any amount they cover.


How do I know if I am in-network?

If you have a hard copy of your health insurance card available, check to see the company name or provider on it. Additionally, look for information regarding your plan— such as the designation of PPO or HMO. You can also call the number on the back of your card, ask about your plan, and inquire about whether or not our practice is in-network.

You may also work with our administrative team to check benefits and give you a summary of coverage and costs prior to your first session.

What if my insurance is NOT in-network?

Some insurance companies allow for out-of-network benefits, however, the type of benefits vary by company and plan. We would encourage you to check with your insurance company on your out-of-network benefits.

Typically you would pay full price for the session. After, we can provide you with paperwork to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

What if I do not want to use my insurance?

You do not have to use your insurance and can instead opt to pay out-of-pocket on your own. Our fees are as follows:

  • Initial visit/assessment: $250

  • Subsequent appointments: $200

If you are experiencing financial hardship, we may be able to offer sliding scale options depending on clinician availability.


What is a copay?

A copay is the amount of money you will owe per session (on average ranges from $20-$60 per session, but can be higher depending on your plan).

What is coinsurance?

Coinsurance is a percentage of the total fee that insurance holds you responsible for. This is the amount you will owe for each session after your deductible is met.

What is a deductible?

 A deductible is an amount that you pay out of pocket until your insurance kicks in (starts to provide financial coverage). This does not always include mental health coverage.